Thursday, October 30, 2008

when did this turn into a chore?

apparently, I am supposed to write a new blog a couple of times a week. you know why? because I am not working anymore and have plenty of times to myself during the week. hmm, see I thought that since I no longer work and live with my hubby I would not have to write blogs any more, but apparently I was wrong, because my hubby thinks otherwise.

so, here I am, sitting and wondering when did this 'blogging' turn to be one of my chores? huh? isn't blogging supposed to be something fun, something for people to do if they wish so? i don't mind writing blogs sometimes, but most of the time now I prefer to sleep in and watch movies and cook for my husband, with occasional trips to London and shopping mall and to the restaurants.

but my hubby keeps nagging me about new blogs all the time. he tells me what i can write blogs about and how often i should do it. I wish that he could just write them for me since he is so excited about them.

on that note, I might post a couple of entries this or next week, but it just amuses me that he is so particular about the frequency of new blogs appearing on my site.

1 comment:

toe hood said...

yeah ) write new blogs )