Thursday, September 6, 2007

Back to the USSR :)

So, I am in Moscow, sitting in my sister's kitchen, typing away on her computer that she generously left at home today :) Suffering from a headache, I am convinced it's caffeine withdrawal. I am going to run one errand, and then I am taking Motrin and a couple hour nap, the headache better be gone.

The flight home to MotherLand was super long and very tiring. I tried packing in Minneapolis so my suitcases won't be over 50 pounds, I had the scale out, repacked suitcases twice. All for nothing, really. I found out in MSP airport that one of my suitcases was 52 lbs, the other one was 54 lbs. The kind gentleman who was taking my luggage only charged me for one suitcase, so that was $25 for my heavy clothes and shoes (one suitcase was dedicated to shoes only). The flight to JFK was pretty uneventful. Matt kissed me goodbye at the gate and I was off.

The flight from JFK to Moscow was a whole other story. First of all, my kind husband bought me tickets to Russia, and booked them under my new married name. However, my passport does not reflect that, there I am still a Bolodyan. So, it started off when I tried to get a ticket. I had to show a marriage license to prove that I actually did change a name, and I was not somebody else trying to pass for Ruzana Glaeser (really, how many Ruzana S.'s are there in the world?) So, then I went to check my luggage. Aeroflot did not charge me for exceeding the limit on my luggage but they did send me to go check my luggage at the different area, I think they pick people at random to go through a special check in where they screen your luggage. So, then I went onto the security point. Well, here is where the fun began. The guard checked my passport, then ticket. Hmm, different last names. Hmmm, my old passport is expired. Hmm, my new passport does not have a visa. So, he brought me to the next person up (his supervisor I assume). He looked at my passport said that it was valid and send me off. As I was going through the actual security gate, the guy looked at me and asked me to go through the puffer, that machine that blows air at you. After they did that they asked me aside and said that they need to examine my bags and they needed my tickets and passport. I got them the ticket, but my passport was in my bag. I got yelled at trying to get my passport, I guess I am not supposed to move or talk while they are searching through my bags. Anyway, 15 minutes later I was ok to leave the security guard and then I had to spend another 15 minutes explaining to the person why my passport and ticket names don't match. He took a bunch of notes and finally let me know. I hope they did not put me on some black list of sorts.

It was a lot of hassle, but time certainly flew by. The airplane was fine, right behind me was sitting a really cute kid who decided to screem as soon as the front door of the airplane got closed. He screemed for about 2-3 hours, pretty much non stop. Then, the flight attendant from the first class came over, and put her hands on both of his ears, and miraculously that kid started to calm down. He then started kicking my chair with the passion, and after about 30 minutes of that, he finally fell asleep for the rest of the flight. I was about an ounce away from losing my temper with him, actually more with his mother. The kid is crying and she is yelling at him to stop crying. Hmm, no brain surgery here, that tactic is not working, move on something better. Then the kid is kicking my chair and the mother did not say a word.

Anyway, my sister met me at the airport. We took a taxi home, and I passed out at 6pm Russian time (9 am US). Today I am suffering from caffeine withdrawal I think. My head is killing me and I don't know why except that I haven't had any pepsi or coffee in the last 2 days. I have 3 interveiws scheduled for work and am working on the other one. The HR lady at that other company is not very organized. Anyway, tomorrow Matt is flying in, I am going to go meet him (after an interview in the morning).

Moscow is pretty cool so far, but I miss my home already. More though I miss the idea of being home to see my husband every weekend :( So, here is the start of my Russian life for the next year.


Cog In Training said...

Love the first set of Blogs!!! Keep it up. I hope I don't sit in front of a winny kid today, that would suck. I have 3 planes and 18 hours of travel. I leave in 25 min. Can't wait!

Harlan Peterson said...

Glad to see that you are blogging about your experience in Russia. We will all miss you very much while you're gone and will be anxiously looking forward to hearing about what's going on with you.

витько чабаненко said...

Весело ей от произошедшего с билетами!
Да если бы с тобой это произошло на внутренней линии аэрофлота, ты бы недолетела или покупала новый билет. Совсем ты, Рузик, расслабилась. Хватку, так сказать, потеряла. Как ты будешь на армянском рынке за пучок петрушки торговаться? Ты же поорать нормально на них не сможешь. Так сказать: ни себе ни людям.
Ладно. Будем работать. Попробуй для разминки поспорить с мужиком на входе в Карымн подъезд. Чего он там сидит с таким выражением лица. Да и Мэтт от такого спора увидит намного больше интересного, чем за все ваши походы по столице.

P.S. а! забыл! я же не это хотел сказать! - рад что приехала! оч! :)