Monday, November 19, 2007


Last weekend I got to go to my hometown, Taganrog. I got to see my folks, eat my mom's yummy food and sleep till 12pm. It was great. I need to go visit them more often. My sister, Kara, flew in with me, although my folks did not know that she was coming. We decided to surprise them. They were surprised all right. My sister's best friend, Vitya, came with us too. My parents know him very well, in fact he is kind of like a brother to us.

Kara and I had another surprise in store for my folks. We bought them a laptop. Well, we ordered it through Matt, he hauled it to Russia all the way from the states (it's much cheaper to get a laptop in the US than it is here). My mom was super happy. Now she will be able to write emails to me and my sister, look at pictures in the Internet (mostly Matt's site or Kara's), watch DVDs (they don't have a DVD player, so it would be a nice bonus). Vitya took that laptop to install a Russian version of Windows so my mom can read everything in Russian.

My sister, Vitya and I went out one night, drank a lot of wine, some beer and then champagne, Kara's friends were with us. That night was great. It was nice to relax and just have fun.

Well, the last weekend was interesting. I had lots of feelings/emotions left over from it. It was memorable to say the least :) I need to relax more (that does not mean drinking necessarily, I just need to get away with friends more often).

So, that was my weekend. I enjoyed it very much. Now I am back to reality and lots and lots of work. Oh, well, such is life.

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