Monday, November 19, 2007

Who knew?

That you need to reformat your digital camera memory card? Well, apparently just about everybody but me :) Anyway, my card has been acting funny lately. I would take pictures, and then when I would turn the camera into the view mode, I could not see many pictures, the stupid camera told me that the picture is not readable or something silly like that. But when I hooked the camera to a computer and downloaded all the photos, they were all just fine.

Well, I guess you are supposed to clean out the card and reformat it about once every couple of months, I guess it's very good for the card (that is what I have been told). So, today I finally got to that stage, where I downloaded all the pictures off the card, and reformatted. Can't really tell you that it's all better. Won't know until I take about 100 pictures or so, but I am hoping that it is all fixed. I learn something new everyday :) Had my camera for almost 2 years (in December) and this is my first time I reformat my card :)

1 comment:

Cog In Training said...

I knew... should have told you sooner. It doesn't happen to mine much. Maybe it is all the video you like to take.