Sunday, February 17, 2008

Crazy Schedule

Well, this weekend I am functioning on a totally different schedule than I am used to. First of all, I left early on Friday so I can make on-time for my plane to go to England. I got to England, and found out that I am going to be sleep deprived during the weekend and therefore will be tired during the week. My weekends are usually full of sleep, I tend to stay up late, but then I tend to sleep till 2 pm on the weekends in Moscow and sometimes I take naps even if I get up at 2 pm :)

Well, this last weekend I spent with my husband, and since we only had 2 days with each other, I figured I would rather not spend the whole time sleeping, so I was pretty good waking up before 10:30 :) Although, usually did not get out of bed till after 11:00, I like to snuggle :) He did let me nap during the days, but those naps were rather short. But the craziest part of my schedule is that I took the red eye flight home. I left London at 10:30 pm, and landed in Moscow at 5:40 am. I did fall asleep on the plane, although I was not very comfortable and woke up a few times, I tried to buy a neck pillow so I can sleep better, but get this, English sell just about everything in their airport except for those pillows :( So, I landed at 5:40, went through security in no time, stood outside in the cold to wait for a bus to come by and went straight to work. Even though I don't start working until 9 am, if I were to go home, then I would have just enough time to go home, drop the bags off and head back to work. It would have made me more tired, I think. Anyway, so I have been at work since about 6:10 am this morning. Originally, I was planning on leaving early tonight, but I forgot that I have a meeting at 5pm today and it will go till 6 pm at least, most likely even longer, which is a bummer. I also was invited to a birthday party tonight, but I am definitely going to skip that, because just like my husband said I am "going to be a zombie by 5 pm" :) Oh, well.

Oh, and then it's getting better :) I am going home and we have my sister's best friend staying with us for a couple of days. Knowing myself, there is no way I am going to go to bed when we have guests in the house, plus I haven't met Vitya's girlfriend, so I am definitely staying up for a while tonight. Like I said, it's goign to be a crazy week, and I am going to be tired. Next Friday I am doing the same thing over. I am flying out Friday night to go to England, but I will stay an extra day because we have a 3 day weekend in Russia (holidays :)) So, next week I will be this tired on Tuesday morning, but I don't think I will have as much planned for next week as I have for this week.

But honestly, I don't really mind. I am sitting here at work, listening to music, and actually getting quite a lot of things done, because there is nobody here and nobody is distracting me. Just working away and watching how it's getting lighter outside :) Oh, but the biggest reason why I don't mind this all is because I got to see my husband, and it was great. It's been about a month and a half since the last time I have seen him, and I missed him crazy. So, I don't mind traveling and I don't mind not having a good night sleep, and I am ready to give up naps and many other things just to be with him :) So, yeah, I have a bit of a crazy schedule and running low on sleep, but it's all worth it.

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