Monday, February 4, 2008

A place called Here

Well, after a few months of not reading anything, I have decided to pick up a book and read it. Actually, it was not as easy as it sounds. I have purchased a book in the states called "Citizen Girl", it's by the same authors that wrote "Nannies Diaries" and although I enjoyed their first novel, I could not force myself to keep reading "Citizen Girl" I have picked up that book at least a dozen time, but I am just not interested.
Then one night my sister and I went to her friend's house, and there, Mrs. Black gave me a book to read "Sophie's Heart". Not really the kind of book I like to read, too romantic and very predictable, but it was a very easy read and woke my hunger to start reading books I like. So, I finished "Sophie's Heart" in 3 days and then went to a book store, where I picked up 4 books in English.
My first one that I have decided to read was "A place called home" by Cecelia Ahert. She wrote "PS: I love you" that I truly enjoyed. Well, Ms. Ahern did not disappoint me this time either. I loved her last novel, it was great, especially towards the end. I would recommend it to anybody who wants a light read but still a book with meaning and not just fluff. Even though it's fiction, it has some really good meaning underneath it all.

I am now reading "Just friends" and even though I like it, I don't like it as much as "A place called here". All in all, I am glad I am reading again, because then my time flies by and I am much happier when I have a pepsi and a book by my side :)





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