Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Things I LOVE

Ok, it's often said that word "LOVE" is overused, but in this life I know exactly what i love and I am extremely proud of the fact that I can tell you exactly the things I love and cherish in this life so much:

Talking every evening with my devoted husband (i got the best guy in the entire world, because he is always encouraging, supportive, smart, strong, and have never failed me in anything)

Endless hours of talking with my sister Kara (it's amazing how quickly time flies when we chat :), I am very blessed to have her and be so close to her)

Spending time with my parents, who are so loving it's never stops to amaze me, unconditional love does exist

My job, it's challenging, busy, gives me an opportunity to succeed

Traveling, I am too lucky to have an opportunity to travel so much (again, my husband contributes a lot to this)

Thinking of how many friends I have and how many people really care about me, I pray for most often and can't quite understand what I deserved to have such good friends in life and keep them (many of these friends are the families whose children I watched, those families made a huge impact on my life, and I am forever grateful to them)

My home in Minneapolis that my husband picked and worked on for many hours over the last 7 years or so

These are all the things that I love in my life, without these things I would not be a happy person. With these things I am very happy and really can't wish for anything more (ok, there is one thing I wish for and that is to have healthy kids when I get to have them) Other than that i am the happiest girl on the planet :)

1 comment:

Cog In Training said...

Boy you weren't kidding when you said you were in a good mood today. Must not have had the "fun" week I have been having.