Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tomorrow is Friday...

... and I am so happy for it. This week has been exciting and busy to say the least. First of all, Monday I landed at 4:40 am at Moscow airport from Munich. I had to spend about an hour in the airport, because my taxi thought that I was landing from England and that plane was not scheduled to land until 5:30 :) I guess, my sister mixed things up, which happens at times :) Then I got home and guess what I did. No, I did not get into the shower, I did not go to bed right away, I unpacked the treats I brought from Germany (Lindt chocolate) and then decided to read my book. So, I read for about another hour or so and then thought it was time to go to bed. 8 am I finally laid down to get some sleep (since that night I was flying and I only slept tops 2 hours on the plane). That day was a bit dramatic. I got up at 12, can you believe that I only slept 4 hours? Matt would never believe that :) Anyway, it was one of the worst days I have had in Russia, but oh well... Don't realy want to talk about it in details, but let's just say that it was full of accidents and drama.

Tuesday I got to work and realized that I used to like taking a vacation, because at my previous job somebody took care of my problems when I was gone. Now, though, the problems just pile up and by the time I get back I realize that I have a ton of fires to put down. So, Tuesday just flew by. I got home simply exhausted. But no, I didn't get to bed right away. Now, we have a computer at home, so I spent a few hours online, you know, catching up on browsing the internet and answering my mail and stuff. So, the week kept going on like this.

I have been extremely busy at work both Wednesday and Thursday. I had good intentions of going to the cards stores to get a few cards for a few of my friends, but whenever I got done with work, I had no motivation or strength left to go anywhere else but home, again thinking that once i get home I will be able to get to bed right away and again staying up much later than usual :)

However, Friday is a bit different story. Yes, it ended up being that I finish this blog today, so actually the title of the blog should be "Today is Friday..." but since I don't belive in changing what has been written, you will just have to keep that mind. Oh, the reason why I don't believe in change what is written, well the reason is rather strange. You can never take the words back that you speak, so whenever I write a blog I pretend that I am speaking to my friends at that point in time, so there you go, no changes in my blogs :) What has been written is always what I thought at that moment and never go back and change it. Although, I do admit that not everything that I write gets posted :) Some blogs are left forever as a draft...

Anyway, last night (Thursday) I got to bed after 1 am, because my sister is leaving to Germany today, and she had a hard time picking out what to wear. With a little bit of my help and help from my wardrobe she finished packing (late at night) and I was allowed to go to sleep. My alarm went off at 7 am this morning, and I simply just could not get off the bed. I was thinking of skipping work, but my sister suggested that I can just call in and come in late :) Which I did, I slept another 2 hours, and even though my work day is supposed to start at 9 am, today it started at 12 pm :) I texted my co-workers saying that I oversletp (a little white lie :)) and will be in later in the day :) Nobody minded and I feel a bit more rested than I would have been otherwise. Anyway, I know better than planning to go to a card store tonight :) I will just go there during the weekend, tonight I am just going to go home and drink some wine while sitting and watching TV and celebrating the end of a very busy yet successful week :) hoping that my parents will be able to get my passport in time for my interview at the embassy, and that I will be able to move in back with Matt soon in UK :) but that deserves a whole other blog :)


1 comment:

Cog In Training said...

Wow, this is a pretty long post. I actually read it on the train yesterday to the airport, but couldn't post a comment. Very funny continuing your writing over two days.