Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Life in UK

is going to be just great. I know that because the last 2 weeks I spent in UK, and I did not have to work and I was not bored once. Although, I have to admit that during those 2 weeks Matt took me to Wales and Scotland and my in-laws were visiting, so I guess I have a lot going on.

But there were 2 days where I did not have to do much. One of those days I spent doign laundry and watching TV. I think I spent like 5 hours watching TV, it was great. It's the first time in a long time (well, since 1999) when I was able to just do nothing but watch shows. First of all, Matt's apartment has like a gazillion channels, so trust me there is no shortage of things to watch. Secondly, I finally had time to actually spend on doing such a silly thing as watching TV for as long as I wanted to. It felt great. Really, I was sitting watching TV and thinking "this rocks, I can't believe I can just sit here and watch TV" In the last 9 years I either was too busy working, or too busy studying to watch TV, but when I did have some time to myself (after graduation before starting job or in the evenings after my job) I did not have the luxury of cable TV, all I had were 5 channels to choose from, so needless to say that I found other things to do around the house besides watch TV.

Anyway, I am sure that I will grow tired of TV pretty quickly, therefore I signed up for the library in Portsmouth. It was pretty painless. I now can check out books, although I don't know how good their selection of books is since I haven't looked at it yet. But I do know that the library has free internet (oh, and computers) which is great. I don't have my own computer and my cell phone in UK was roaming like crazy, so I felt a bit awkward being in the apartment and not being able to email anybody or call. So, it was really nice to go and sing into my email and email a few people. I have got to tell you that I am going to miss having a computer available to me during the day. It's so nice to be able to read news and stay in touch with my friends via Internet, it will be a pain to live without a computer, but I am sure I will get used to it.

So, overall, I am ready to live in England, in a peaceful town of Portsmouth, where scenery is beautiful, people are kind and pleasant. I will lead a very calm life over there, where my only priority will be my husband, which is in itself can be a full-time job (i like it when laundry is done, the apartment is clean, dishes are washed and dinner is ready for my hubby). It will be great to take walks with Matt along the ocean, and go on dates to movie theaters and just have quiet dinner talks. I can't wait to move, although I will miss my sister a lot, I will not miss Russia one tiny bit! I am counting days until I move.

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