Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Roman sights

...are all the same and are pretty boring. Ok, maybe not all of them are boring, but in UK there is like a gazillion of them all over the country. Matt really likes them, but all the sights are just ruins, actually most of them just show the foundation of Roman buildings. I guess I don't have a very good imagination, because I don't like looking at the foundation of the buildings, it's all just a bunch of stone squares all over the field and I don't find it all that fascinating. Now, if there was an actual building built from stone, I must admit that I like those and am pretty amazed at them, but I can't see the actual buildings, just see a few stones at the foundation. Matt has vivid imagination, he must, because he loves looking at the sights and he can picture it in his mind what it was like back then.

Matt is really fascinated with Roman sights, I think that during the last 2 weeks of me being in UK, we got to go to like 4 or 5 Roman sights. If you ask me, it's a little excessive, especially since they are all the SAME. Apparently, Matt's parents really like them too, so it's either genetic, or it's just me who does not like the foundation of the destroyed Roman buildings. All I can say for now is, please no more Roman sights to see in the near future, I think I have filled my quota for those for the upcoming 5 years :)

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