Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I never really had hobbies in the past. When I was little, I was never involved in sports. I had many tutors: math, English, Russian, French. But never really got into sports. My parents were convinced that it's more important that I was educated than athletic. I am thankful that my parents paid such close attention to my school work, because they trained me to pay close attention to my grades and work hard at excelling at school. It paid off great times in the long run, as I was able to finish college with very decent GPA and on top of that with no school loans... However, I do feel like I missed out on the fun stuff. So, now that I am older and have a wonderful husband who doesn't want me to miss out on anything in life, I finally decided that I am going to take up some hobbies. I am going to do some things that I wished I could have done when I was little. But it's never too late, right? So, I am patiently waiting until I get back to the states, but as soon as I get back, I am going to take up some classes, among those will be: ballroom dancing, swimming, skating, skiing, possibly tennis. I have taken some dancing classes before and skating, but I have never knew how to skii and even thought I am a decent swimmer, I want to be a good swimmer and faster :) Tennis....well, I always dreamed of being able to play tennis. I am also planning on joining running club...never was much of a runner, but I want to run at least 5K before I kick the bucket, so I figured running club will be a good place to start training for that :)
Of course, I won't be able to do all those activities at the same time. I am figuring different activities for different seasons :) And Matt thinks that once I start a job I won't be able to follow the list of activities much, but I bet I will stick to it. I might drop some, like if I figure out that learning tennis is just meant to be...well, then obviously I will drop it, but I am still going to try and stay active and do things that keep me happy :) And being involved keeps me happy. Besides I love dancing, skating and swimming, so I can't imagine why I would stop doing that....
So, I am pretty excited about my new hobbies :) I just hope that Matt can afford all those classes for me :) But he seems to be wanting to join me for some of them :) That would be super sweet :) Anyway, I am excited for my new year and many hobbies that will be keeping me busy...I already found all the classes and studios and stuff, so all I have to do is move to the states and all Matt has to do is give me money for all the classes :)

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