Saturday, January 17, 2009

No Babies!

I have wanted kids for a very long time! Ever since I started babysitting really. When Matt and I started living together, I was insanely baby crazy. When we got married, and up until about a couple of months ago I think I bugged him about having a baby at least once a day, which he found rather annoying at times.
Strangely though a couple of months ago I just decided that I don't want to have kids just yet. I want to do other things first. And they might not be important things, but they mean a great deal to me, I want to spend some time enjoying my life, have enough time to do something I enjoy and not being tied down to too much responsibility. And today I read friend's comments about her having a boy and I realized that I really don't want a kid now.

It's a strange feeling though. I know I should want to have kids, I always wanted them, my parents can't wait for grandkids, but I just don't have the urge anymore. It's weird, but I am glad that I have this before I have a kid and not after I have one, because once it's 'after' well, it's too late. And I don't want to be 30 when my first one is born, but I definitely don't want one right now. Maybe it's me not working...maybe it's something else...strange nonetheless for me to realize that. Maybe I just need to be around kids more to want them, who the heck knows. But lately I have been in "no babies" mood and Matt was sure that when I originally mentioned this phenomenon to him it will last about 2 days tops, but it's been much longer....curious.

1 comment:

toe hood said...

interesting... hm ) now we are in a same mood ) although i still think that even now you want kids more than i do :)