Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cooking, cleaning, seeing lots of friends, etc.

If anybody is wondering what I have been up to lately, well, ever since I got back to the states, have no worries, I have been plenty occupied. The main thing that I have been doing really is seeing friends. We have gone out with a few, visited others at their houses, and had a few of the friends come over to our house for dinner. Great times!!!!
I have also been rather busy cleaning my beautiful home (well, it's getting to the beautiful part) and cooking for my lovely husband :)
Recently though I have decided that it's time for me to make a difference in this world and to make sure that when I die (I know, it's early to think about that, but who knows when it will happen, so better start now :)) I will know that I have brought joy to others during my life. So, I have decided to get involved in volunteering. Right now I am on board with Meals on Wheels (delivering lunches to people who can't cook for themselves due to physical health/condition), and also getting involved with association that helps people with ALS (Lou Gehrig disease), it's a horrible disease and I want to be of any help I can be to those people that suffer from it (I would clean, run errands for those people).
But besides just me getting to help others, I want to make sure I live my life to the fullest as well, and enjoy my time, so I am getting involved in the local book club, time for me to start going to church on a regular basis as well, and maybe a couple of other opportunities will add to my calendar soon (such as learning German and maybe getting involved with WEP, wetland bioassessment)
I am getting to the point where I am satisfied with my life :) which feels great!!! Now it's time for a nap :) Cheers everybody!!!

1 comment:

Cog In Training said...

Of course the volunteering will have to scheduled with nap time prioritized I think!