Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It finally happened!!!

My wedding ring is rather unusual, it's platinum band with a sapphire in the center and it's surrounded by amethist on each side. Well, some of you might not know that amethist is a semi-precious stones and are very soft. Why do I have amethists in my ring? Easy. Sapphire is my stone and Amethist is Matt's birthstone...so, that is why :) Well, about a week after Matt proposed to me I chipped one of the amethists. Then I went in and replaced it and then a month later I chipped the other amethist stone....Before the wedding I went in and replaced it,and about 2 weeks after that I chipped the second replacement stone. After that I have decided that I am just going to wait and replace the stones after they are so chipped I can no longer stand it. Well, the funny part is that I kept chipping the same stone over and over again and finally about a week ago the stone got so chipped that there wasn't enough of it to hold it in place...so now I have a ring with a sapphire in the center, an amethist to one side of it and a hole to the other :) I am going to wait a couple of months before replacing the stones, because I am going to put sapphires instead of both amethists, but I will put the sapphires that are the color of amethists :) I just don't want to keep replacing the stones, and I am quite tired of them chipping. But meanwhile I am without a ring :( It feels weird not to have it on, I must admit!!! 2 years though...it took me 2 years to make that stone fall out, not bad :) considering that it gets chipped so easily....the bizarre part is that i kept chipping the same stone over and over again, the other amethist (that was replaced once) never got chipped after it was replaced....Oh well....such is life!

1 comment:

toe hood said...

me and Igor occasionally forget to put our rings on. not really used to wearing them i think ))) but it would be weird to have it and not wear it. hope you get replaced it soon.