Sunday, June 7, 2009

LA Fitness and my neck

Well, this weekend Matt and I went to yet another exercise club to see if we will like it and if it's a good price for us to join so I can start exercising. Matt does like to belong to the gym, but since he is traveling most of the week, where he can exercise at the local gyms, and when he is home he has no problem whatsoever putting his running pants on and going jogging or hopping on a bike and disappear for hours. I, on the other hand, am a totally different story. I am rather lazy when it comes to exercising, and while I do enjoy bike riding, I prefer to do it for leisure, not exercise; running, well, forget about it alltogether, I am not runner. I used to love Step class, but my chiropractor practically forbids me to do that, since it's a high impact class and will only intensify my neck pains....Since I need motivation to exercise, I do need to be in classes, so I do need to belong to a club. The best thing for me to do is water aerbics, but you know what, 98% of people who do those are old people, and while I have nothing against the old people, I don't want to be doing water aerobics with them, sorry.
In the past few months Matt and I have toured a few clubs: Bally's, Snap Fitness, Lifetime and finally today we went to LA Fitness. My first choice would be Lifetime Fitness of course, they have a gazzillion of classes, their facilities are SUPER nice, but they are pretty darn expensive. Bally's looked too cheap, uncomfortable and dark, Snap - well that is a totally different kind of a experience in itself, they don't have any staff on duty there even. So, after going to Bally's, Snap and Lifetime, Matt and I knew that Lifetime was winning that war, at a rather expensive price. We have delayed joining Lifetime because of the price, but this week I have decided that I need to start exercising if I don't want to look like a watermelon, so we got up and went on a tour of LA Fitness facilities. And I must say I liked it. Even though it is not as nice as Lifetime, it's still pretty nice and clean and very eye-pleasing. They have plenty of machines and although not too many exercising, I think I will be able to find something that I will like, I will just have to be more flexible with time and days of those classes, but seeing as I don't work, that should not be a problem. The guy at LA Fitness tried his best to make me smile and tell him that I liked the club, but I just took all the info in and by nature don't display my emotions to strangers, so I think he was disappointed that I did not warm up to him. Anyway, once we left Matt asked me what I thought of the club, because in this case I am the decision maker, seeing as the goal of the project is to get me exercising....I think we are going to join LA Fitness next week though. I am kind of excited, it will take me time to get into a habit of going to the gym, but it will be good. Now when I get bored at home, instead of eating I will get to go to the gym. Well, ok, it might not work just like that, but I am excited to finally belong to the gym again, I do miss it, and there are days when I wish I could go to the gym.....So, thanks to my chiropractor who told me to stay clear of the step classes and other high impact classes that Lifetime has to offer, and thanks to LA Fitness for maintaining very nice facilities, I will be starting to exercise again.

1 comment:

toe hood said...

i think it's time for a new post )