Thursday, November 5, 2009


...interrupted....Haven't been writing for quite sometime, that is not to say that nothing has been going on. In fact, there has been too much. But that's ok, that's the way I like it.

thought i would share my thoughts about my puppy...he is extremely entertaining, there is not a day that goes by w/o Brovi making me smile....My sister the other day asked me what I think he does when I am at work (everybody remembers now that Matt is gone during the week and I work during the day)....Well, I wish I could say that I have no clue what he does during the day, however, I think I have a pretty good idea. First half of the day he sleeps, of that I am positive. Anytime I come home for lunch (in reality there is no lunch involved, it's just me coming home to take Brovi out and feed HIM lunch)he is waking up from his sleep....When I am by the kitchen he takes his time to stretch and yawn and then he runs to the door (he is very good at house training and goes up to 5 hours w/no accidents!!!)In the second part of the day however, I do think that he gets bored and that is when he keeps himself busy w/playing w/his toys (that take a huge beating from him, we are having a hard time finding toys that he won't destroy w/in a couple of weeks), but when toys aren't interesting enough he proceeds on spreading recycling cans around the kitchen, chewing up my recipe that he had to jump to get, tearing apart boxes that hold soda cans, destroying his bed (there will be holes in it soon enough if he doesn't stop digging) and I am sure he finds other mischeif that is just not that visible to my human eye :)

Overall, he is a very busy guy (Brovi, the puppy that is), when I come home at night he knows the routine: i take him out for 2 minutes to do his business quickly, we proceed to go inside and go immideately upstairs for me to change into comfy clothes so I can take him out on a long walk. If I go in the kitchen after taking him out instead of going upstairs, he will sit on the stairs and bark. If I change into comfy clothes and don't go out immediately and instead contemplate of grabbing a quick bite to eat, he will bark! After our long walk we come home and he goes absolutely bonkers in the house for about 10 minutes, after which he is ready to play w/me and his toys (mind you, he doesn't want to play w/his toys on his own, he wants me to play w/him)....How is he so energetic, well, I am guessing all the sleeping that he does during the day, but the time it's 8pm I am exhausted. Thank goodness, he crashes around 8-9pm. It's amazing, he will be super hyper and than all of a sudden he would just plop on the couch or floor and fall fast asleep...amazing.

Anyway, he certainly does keep me company during the week, I think I haven't been bugging Matt as much in the evenings, because Brovi doesn't give me much free time to do whatever I want to. I do enjoy Brovi, he is awesome and we spend sometime learning new skills, he knows: sit, down, shake! Down was a bit tricky, he really doesn't like to lay down....He finally figured out how to do it on command, but even now he will bark before he will lay down and sometimes he will attempt to jump up before laying down...I think it's his way of trying to protest, but he is losing, because the only way he gets a treat is if he lays down....he is slowly coming to terms to such harsh regime though :)

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