Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Day off work...

...was uneventful, unproductive, boring and depressing all at the same time. What did I do all that day? Well, I slept in. I have been feeling pretty worn out lately. Not sure what it is, I am thinking that it's my schedule. I get up at 6:30 am each morning, leave work at 6:30pm with blood-shot eyes lately (due to lack of sleep), don't get back home till about 7:30pm, usually don't get to bed till at least 10pm, and that is my routine Monday through Friday. Work has been very busy, we had one co-worker who was on vacation a couple of weeks ago for 2 weeks, so I was doing her work along with mine, and that she is back, we have another co-worker on vacation, so again I am doing 2 people's work. It's not horrible, but the days go by so fast and at the end of the day I realise that I am nowhere near to have everything done. Yesterday night I had every intention of going to work this morning, however, today I woke up and just could not get out of bed. My throat was hurting, so did my head, I felt like I hated everything, so I decided to give myself a little break and called in sick. I slept in, which helped, a lot I think. I woke up with no headache and some energy.

So what did I do today all day long? Well, I did about 5 cycles of laundry, and yes everything is washed now (ok, 2 of them were for bedding and my sister's coat). Took garbage out, washed the dishes, which we had quite a few in the sink, paid for the internet (my sister forgot to do that, so this morning our internet was disconnected), bought some pepsi, watched CSI, talked to my husband.

I am quite confused, really. I do like being home and not feeling like I have to be somewhere and do something that is urgent. On the other hand when I am home, I feel like I am useless, even though I do laundry and other household stuff. I missed Matt today, kept thinking that he is so close (London is only 4 hours away), yet I will not get to see him this week. He will have to go back to the states without seeing me. We are going to be farther apart till New Years. Was thinking about how he will spend Christmas with his whole family while I will be in Moscow, working (since our Christmas is not till January). So, in some aspects I enjoyed my day off work, it gave me an opportunity to rest. But I think that overall, I prefer to be at work, stay busy, but that wears me out too. Maybe I should work part-time, although in my profession it would be pretty hard to do. Hmm, will have to think about it and consult my hubby on that thought. I told Matt today that I stayed home only because I was feeling worn out, and to my surprise he said that I did the right think and that he was glad that I stayed home and took care of myself. What a guy! I love him!!!

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