Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to all of you, my dear friends. I was informed that we received quite a few Christmas cards in our home in Minneapolis, and I am glad that you haven't forgotten our house this year, even though I haven't sent any cards out. Sorry, but it's just pretty hard to arrange it all this year all the way from Russia. I am very much looking forward to seeing all your cards in just a couple of days. Matt is bringing them all for me to look at and read your wishes while we are in London.

My husband had his family join him for Christmas this year, and I heard that it was very nice. His parents, brother and sister spent some time together (shoveling in front of the garage), but Matt really enjoyed having his family by his side during that holiday. I got to talk to my mother-in-law via Skype, which was great. She is always cheerful :) Didn't talk to my father-in-law though cause he was busy on the other phone, but I think he is a little grumpy at me because Matt called me the night before and did not prep me that I was going to talk to a room full of people. Well, see, I have issues with my sister. When I get a call from Matt, then she needs to leave the room, and that usually takes some time, I need to kick her out and that involves some yelling (in a good way). Well, Matt's parents did not know that I have such routine and I think Chris took it to heart that I was yelling at my sister and not talking to him. Oh, well. Sorry Chris, did not mean to offend you. But I really blame it all on Matt. He knows I don't like talking on a speaker and he really does need to let me know a day ahead of time that it's not going to be just him on the line. But anyway, it's Christmas, and even though in Russia Christmas does not come till January 6, I still want to wish all of you, my American friends, a very merry Christmas. I sure hope that you enjoyed this holiday with your family and close friends. I hope that you happened to remember what this holiday is all about, hope you had a great day!!!

Family-in-law (there ought to be a word like that), special thank you to you for spending time with Matt so he would not be alone this holiday. Thanks for coming a long way and making this reunion with each other happen!!!

Merry Christmas to all of you!!! Matt and I are blessed to have a great family and all our friends in our lives. It's a true blessing!!! Thank you for your support and friendship. I was thinking of all of you this Christmas day!!!

From Russia with love :)


Cog In Training said...

Yeas, Yeas, It is all my fault! LOL. Simmer-down-now. I kid I kid. I will try to keep you on, one-on-one calls.

Leslie said...

Belated Merry Christmas, Zana...

We miss you. :(