Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My friends and children

I have some old friends in Russia, those that I went to school with and those that I got to know outside of school. And they all have children. I am not talking about all my classmates, some of them are not even married yet, but those kids that I actually was pretty good friends with, well, they all have kids. Granted, some of them are no longer married, which is sad. I had one friend who I went to college in Russia together with, and she was the only one besides me who did not have kids. On May 18 she gave birth to a baby girl, so I am the last one........

Most people in Russia (I am not talking about Moscow or St. Petersburg, they are countries of their own within Russia) have kids by the time they are 25. I would not be surprised to learn that some of my parents friends think that I can't have children or something. I mean, come on, I have been married for over a year and I still don't have a kid. Keep in mind, that about half of the people who do get married in my hometown do so because they are expecting a child.

Anyway, it's a bit weird to think that my friends are no longer free and can't go out with me whenever they want. BTW, I really want a kid, but then I think of the fact that I won't be able to travel and drink whenever I want, and I sometimes wonder if I do want kids, but that usually lasts for only a couple of hours :), a day at the most. But what is really weird is that I don't think I am that old and don't feel like I should have had a kid 5 years ago, but others seem to wonder why is it that I am 25 and still don't have a child, especially since I am married. What can I say? I guess I am more American at this point than Russian. Spent most of my teenage years in the states and I think I grew accustomed to the fact that you just don't have kids when you are 18. My husband is 30 and still has no kids :) and I don't think that is all that weird. Although, I am putting pressure on him, but that is not because of his age, it's because I want a kid. But then can you blame me? Every friend of mine in Russia has one, what can I say.....peer pressure :)


Cog In Training said...

SERIOUSLY... How many angles can you use on the Baby front of your domestication campaign. I get it already.


You won't be the oldest mom ever you know.

ruzik said...

Oh, you don't even know how many angles I can use on this whole Baby battle...I will tell you one thing, you are starting to give in I think :)