Thursday, June 19, 2008

Whas is the point?

I sometimes wonder what is the point of all of this. I mean, I come to work, have a gazillion of things to do and you know what? When I leave at 6 pm every day and sometimes later I have another gazillion things to accomplish. My work is never done. And sometimes I feel like, what is the point of all this, I can't handle it all anyway and does anybody really care what the hell we are all doing here?

Anyway, lots of work, it's been draining in the last couple of weeks. My moods are rather unpredictable lately. I can go from extremely happy to unbelievably aggitated.

Oi, life can be challenging at times....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello R
We care, a lot. The point is to live; enjoy the moment, and love. A rose only blooms for a few hours, and then fades away. So rejoice in the bloom and the transient beauty. Like a hug or a kiss, or a puppy or a baby.... or a new daughter in law!
The rain will pass, the sun will shine. Enjoy the sunshine and the love we're sending to you. Chris