Monday, June 9, 2008

Update on my parents

My parents are still in Spain. I have been talking to them every night. I must say that I thought that they would be at the hotel every night by 8 pm, but Spain must have some influence on them, because I haven't called them before 10 pm. Mind you, they usually are in bed by 9 pm at home, so they must really be partying it up :)

Anyway, I talked to them today and I guess today was the first time they ever swam in the Mediterranean sea :) My parents both loved it, but since my mom does not swim and is basically afraid of water, she could appreciate it as much as my dad did, since he was born and raised on the Black Sea. My folks really liked the sea, and I guess they really like the area. Dad said that he wants to move there (keep in mind that when I first came up with idea of going to Spain on a vacation for them, he said that he does not want to go and wants to go to the Black Sea instead).

My dad spends every summer at the Black Sea, he usually goes there at the end of May, or in the first week of June at the latest, but this year we planned a trip for them to Spain in the second and third week of June, so he was pretty upset about that and made it clear to us that he did not want to go. But since the tickets were purchased and the hotel was booked, he had no way out.

My folks saw many yachts today and I guess tomorrow they were planning on visiting the villas of Spain and some other attractions. I am very glad that they are enjoying their time in Spain, and I hope they will bring back many pictures. I wish I was there with them, but I am glad that they are having fun without me :)

1 comment:

Cog In Training said...

Glad your folks are having fun. Next time we will have to go with them.