Monday, June 9, 2008

Matt is learning

Matt knows a lot, he really does, more than I ever did. He knows a lot about history, almost everything about politics, basically he knows many academic things. He also knows how to make me happy, how to make me angry, how to calm me down and how to start a fight. He knows when to be quiet and when I need some words of encouragement. He knows that I am not very patient unless I am dealing with children. Yet, there is one thing that Matt hasn't mastered yet, but not for long, because he finally decided to buy Rosetta Stone for Russian :)

He tried learning a little bit from me, but I am not that great of a teacher I guess. Whenever he said something wrong, I laughed. Not because he couldn't get it right, or anything, but his accent is so cute, and it just so funny when he says something in Russian with an American accent. Anyway, learning from me some Russian did not last. Eventually, he gave up asking me words, and just stopped at being able to say in Russian "My beautiful wife", "Airhead" (taught by my dad and frequently used when addressing me), "Truck" (a rather limited vocabulary, don't you think)

He has a long way to go before he knows how to speak Russian or being able to understand what people around him are saying (the last one being the main reason why Matt finally made that step and purchased the program). It does not surprise me though that my husband could not go on any longer without knowing what is going on around him when he is in Russia. He always says that I am nosy and too curious, but really he is no better.

So, it will be interesting to see what progress he makes, but I have no doubts that in about 6 months he will be able to converse with my relatives, and might be able to be a part of our conversations without me translating for him all the time. It amazes me though that even though he knows a lot, he still has desire to learn new things in life. I love you, Matt!!! You rock.


Cog In Training said...

Well we will see about this. My head hurts sometimes after 1/2 hour of Russian. I wonder if this is why so many Russians are cranky. Is it because listening to Russian makes you head hurt. It may take longer than 6 months to get used to this stuff.

ruzik said...

Hmm, interesting point. I bet that is exactly why Russians are angry all the time. And it does seem like most of Russians have problems in their heads, so good insight baby :)