Sunday, October 14, 2007

Am I in Seattle?

I started wondering this yesterday. The reason is: it's been raining in Moscow for 9 days in a row. I thought that I would rather have rain than snow, but I am starting to change my opinion on that. The rain is more difficult to survive. I can't wear nice pants, because I get to walk everywhere, and then my pants are all dirty from walking in the rain. I get to bring an umbrella everywhere and that's a pain. I can't wear my suede shoes, because I am afraid they will get all wet and dirty. Everything is gloomy and dirty, there is no sun, and people seem to smile less. So, life is more difficult in the rain than in the snow I think.

Some of you know that my in-laws live in Seattle, and for awhile I was thinking that maybe some day Matt and I should move to Seattle. Well, even though I love living close to the family, I don't think I could handle the weather. It's very gloomy here during the rain, and I am assuming it's the same in Seattle. Anyway, I came to a conclusion that I don't want any more rain. I wan sun or snow, but enough of this pouring water out of the sky already that makes everything dark and depressing.

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