Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My first day of work...

... was ok. I spent half a day filling out paperwork, insurance, opening bank account, etc., etc. The other half of the day I spent at my work area. It is pretty nice, big room with glass walls (well, just really big tall windows, might as well be glass walls, pretty cool affect though). One of the walls is just windows, so that is nice too. I don't have my computer yet, so I am using the one that is on the desk from the previous girl who used to work there. I was told that my computer is on order and they should bring it up within a week. I just got to know a bit about the company and our department really. I spent most of the afternoon just searching info on my own. I was a little disappointed a little that there was no training for me set up right away, but later on I found plenty of material for myself to get acquanted with. I like my work so far. One of my co-worker and I go to lunch together. He eats a little later than everybody, and it works for me because there is virtually nobody in the restaurant downstairs. We have 2 places to eat: cafeteria and a restaurant, pretty nice actually. And we get discounts for food, yesterday I only spent 1 dollar on a meal because my company pays a big portion of our meals, today I got a little spoiled and spent almost 3 dollars on a food :) Anyway, my first day was good. I did get tired from the lack of sleep the night before, but other than that it was not stressful at all, which is exactly how I like it :)

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