Sunday, October 7, 2007

Saturday Night

... was great. I had another outing with Inna (our friend) and Kara's old classmate (Pasha Evdokimov). We went to see opera. "Carmen", a very famous French opera that was sung in French. It was beautiful. The theater was spectacular, no it was not Bolshoi Theater due to the fact that it's under reconstruction for the next 5 years. The theater we went to was very beautiful, clearly recently redone. The opera was great. I loved it. It was my first time at the opera, it was Inna's birthday gift for me. Thanks Inna, you could not have given me a better gift. The opera started at 7, and did not get finished until well after 10 pm, it had 2 breaks between the acts. The thing though is, it did not seem like opera was that long. I am not saying that it felt like 10 minutes, but it certainly did not feel like 3 and a half hours either. It was very interesting and very entertaining. After the opera, Pasha, Inna and I stopped by the coffee shop. I had a big bowl of my favorite strawberry baskin robbins ice cream and a very elegant small glass bottle of Coca-Cola light. Kara's classmate paid for our coffee shop visit, which was very nice and gentlemen like of him, and we headed home. So, we left the house at 6:30 to get to the opera, we ended up hurrying a bit from the metro, but we got there on time. We did not head home till 12:20 am, we walked into our apartment at 1:00 am. Great evening. Inna and I ate some watermelon, talked with my sister, watched a few episodes of "House, MD" that I brought from the states for my sister, and finally all got to bed at 3 am. If you ask me, it was a very productive and entertaining evening. Very satisfying. I have a feeling that I will have a few more visits to the theater in the months to come. I want to see a few plays and definitely a ballet. I love watching ballet. So, that was my Saturday night here in Moscow!!!

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