Friday, October 26, 2007


I have made a new discovery today. Every day between 12 pm and 2:30 pm I usually go to lunch at work. Today during my lunch I suddently figured something out: Russians don't know how to make a decent lasagna. Why am I thinking about this all of a sudden? Well, because I ordered lasagna today for lunch and a salad (salad was great by the way). Lasagna was quite disappointing. I mean, it was kinda flat, not very tall, did not taste the same as what I am used to. (Have to admit, I am used to Macaroni Grill Lasagna; but still I have eaten plenty others in the states that were better). It did not have cottage cheese (it also did not have too much spaghetti sauce which was a plus :)), I am actually not quite sure what it had. I just know that it did not taste right.

So, while I was eating I thought I needed to come up with a solution to this problem. (No, I am not going to learn how to cook good lasagna). I thought that in the last 2 years or so of my life the only places I have had lasagna were at the Italian restaurants. Matt and I got a little spoiled going out the last couple of years, so I haven't had any other exposure. So, naturally I remember my most recent experiences (the ones in the Italian Restaurants). I figured I need a solution to fixing a problem of eating a not very tasty lasagna. My solution is simple: I need to go to Italy to try a real Italian lasagna. Matt, this hint is for you, baby. I want a trip to Italy, after all, this problem has to be fixed :)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

A trip to Italy sounds much easier than learning to cook.