Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Information Overload

Most people when they start a new job have some sort of information overload. When they are trying to learn a new system or processes. Well, so far I don't have that condition :) I have a feeling that my job is going to be very busy and somewhat complicated, however, right now I ma just taking it easy. There are a couple of reasons for that. First of all, my boss is having a baby, so she won't be in the office until November (she is due in a week, and then spending some time with the kid I guess) so she was not here to coordinate my training. My co-workers are great, and one of them, Georgii, is kind of in charge of keeping me busy; however, he is terribly busy himself, so there are plenty of times during the day when I don't really have much to do but explore presentations, tables, etc. Yesterday, I was pretty busy, I was loading some data into our database and analyzing it afterwards. I guess we give many presentations to the directors, so it's crucial that we have all the information. Anyway, so far my job kind of keeps me busy. I am looking forward to the day when I am so busy I forget it's past lunch time, I am sure this day will come sooner than I think. Meanwhile, I am enjoying this time when I am just getting acquanted with the systems, etc. I am going to go visit a person who is in charge of training and see what she has in mind for me since my boss is gone. I am sure most people have to go through some sort of general training in the beginning, I might start with that. Meanwhile, HOORAY to no information overload (my head does not hurt at all from learning new things :))


Cog In Training said...

Well it is nice to see that you are lounging around while Gregorii does all the work! What are you going to do when your real boss gets back? :)
I kid I kid

ruzik said...

Well, I bet my boss is going to be very nice, she is having a baby, doubt she will be very strict at all. Oh, by the way, it seems like people here are a little laid back anyway. I think I will have work to do, but I don't think I will be drowning in work. We shall see :)