Monday, October 1, 2007

Laundry, Dishes, Making the Bed

These are my chores around the house here. Actually, they were never assigned to me or even asked of me. But Inna (a friend and roommate) works a lot, most of the time she leave before 8 am and does not get home till after 10pm. My sister does not work as much, but she is a bit spoiled, she does not like doing chores such as washing the dishes, although she is very good at making the bed. I don't work at all right now, so I fgured taking garbage out, washing dishes and doing laundry is the least I can do to help them, since I am at home all the time :) Well, I do go out, don't take me wrong, I am not under a house arrest, but most of the morning and a good chunk of the afternoon I usually spend at home. I actually am starting to enjoy this luxury, I am always relaxed. Don't have an alarm that wakes me up all the time. I haven't had enough motivation to actually clean in this apartment, but I think me helping with dishes and laundry for awhile will suffice :) So, now to making the bed. Well, my sister is very strict about that, the bed has to be made! I usually make the bed, but to tell you the truth that is not always done right after I get up. Sometimes, it's done right before she gets home, so no yelling will be involved from her side. She is usually pretty irritable after a day of work :) I know she will read this and will find this out, but hey as long as the bed is made by the time she is home, who cares if it's not when she does not even see it. The real reason why I don't make the bed right away is because throughout the day I do go back and lay on it and read a book or listen to the radio (ok, occasionally, I do take a nap as well, it's so tempting at times). Yes, I am turning to be pretty lazy these days, but it's ok if you ask me. No harm to me at all. Now, Matt on the other hand has a different ideas on making the bed back at home in Minneapolis. I used to have a few decorative pillows on our bed, so it would look nice, and every time I would make the bed (which was almost every day), I would put them on, right? Well, my husband has informed me that he put the pillows in the closet till I come back. To my question why, he answered: "First, I am not going to make the bed. Second, when I do, I am certainly not putting a bunch of pillows on it so it would look pretty". What could I say? Men :) I actually, expected something like that would be done. At least he realises his weaknesses, although he does not consider those his weaknesses, hmmm. Well, time to go lounge on the bed and maybe read a book (sometimes, that's a cover for me to take a nap, not telling you what I am actually going to do though :))


Cog In Training said...

No I don't think those things are weeknesses! Why would I? We have like 100 and 5 pillows!! Two is enough for any bed I say. TWO!! But alas if no one is going to see the bedroom why does it need to be clean anyway. I certainly won't be entertaining in there. I think it is better I focus on other parts of the house..

Leslie said...

Hey, if not putting pillows on the bed is your husband's only flaw, consider yourself lucky!