Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Natalya Mihailovna aka my mom

Most people call her Natasha, some used to call her Natalya Mihailovna, I always called her mom. She is super cool. Some of you have met her, those of you who haven't are unfortunate. She is the best woman one can meet. I did not always get along with her, when I was little I used to think that she loved my sister more than me. Now, I look back and find it silly and stupid, but she still put up with my attitude. Actually, if it was not for my mom, I would not be nearly as successful as I am right now. When I was in about 5th grade, I had a learning disability. I would read textbooks, but I would not retain information I have read. My mom always kept a close eye on my sister's and my school work, she talked to teachers almost weekly and she picked up this struggle of mine right away. She spent hours every day with me doing my school work. She let me do my math, Russian, chemistry, physics and English on my own, but biology, history, geography and other subject that require reading in order to understand them she had to do with me. Every night she would be cooking and I would be sitting at the table and reading out loud a chapter, paragraph by paragraph. She would stop me every paragraph, have me close the book and I had to retell her what I just read. She helped me make an outline of what were the important points in the chapter so it would help me remember what I needed to focus on. It would take her hours each day to do this with me. I never liked doing it, it took too long. She never gave up and never let me off the hook. She did this with me for about a year. Every night for 9 months my mom would do my homework with me. We could spend 2 hours on just one chapter of one subject. I can only imagine how patient she had to be with me. I am sure there were days where she just did not want to do anything but relax at night, but she never forgot about me.
It is only because of her I overcame my disability, it is only because of my mom I was able to learn new things, to focus on new subject, eventually do my homework on my own. By the way, that year planted some really good habits into me. Every night afterwards I would dedicate a few hours for homework. Even in the years when mom did not have to do homework with me, she always checked me to make sure I did it. She would randomly pick a subject and tell me "Tell me about your homework in biology" She would then take the textbook and see to make sure I got it right. She never made me memorize anything, she was against memorization, she insisted on my understanding the concepts, so I could retell them in my own words. If my mom would have ignored this problem of mine in the childhood, I would never be able to graduate with good grades from high school, I would have never won the contest to come to the states, never could have gone to colleges in MN and would have never met my husband. So, everything that happened in my life is thanks to my mom. If it wasn't for her, who knows where I would have ended up.
She used to be very strict before, but she also spoiled me and my sister with attention and love. She loved having kids, she loved my sister and me more than anybody in the world, and lived for us. She still does. Oh, when I was little (and even now) when I am in bed and my covers are by my feet and I am too lazy to get up and pull them up, my mom would be happy to come and help me out. Or when I am in bed and the light is still on, she would get up herself in the other room if I would call her and turn off the light for me and would give me a kiss goodnight. She loves doing things for me and my sister, whatever they are. Her personality has changed a little because of her health, she is much quieter now and much less strict, but she is still as caring, loving and just as cool as she was before. I love being in the same country with her and talk to her every day. I missed her care when I was in the states. She is fun to be around, and I always feel loved unconditionally when I have her by my side. Mom, you are super, I don't know how I got so blessed to have you as my mom. I am the luckiest girl on Earth (ok, my sister is just as lucky, but that is about it).

If I ever have a daughter, her name will be Natalya, just like my mom :) I think my mom would like that.

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